Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Think I Used to be Smarter

I found this poem I wrote about a year ago, and can't help but feel like my brain is on the decline sometimes. Oh, how smart I was last year!

A Sweet Ditty

If older mem'ries of you rise anew
And sorrow strains upon my puerile face,
I'd hate to think of what I'd done for you
And how you put me in such horrid place.
But yet your visage's now quite clear,
the sadness comes (and here I go again)
and flesh below the cheek becomes all tear
while I peruse the scrapbooks of our zen.
Do you recall the very time and day
When first you told me how you loved me so?
I said to you, "dear, that's a dang'rous phrase."
Oh! You and I most cert'ly did not know.

That last bit just might cause you, dear, to slay me;
I fucked your mom and gave her crabs from Haiti.

1 comment:

Janine said...

Hey Miles i didn't know that you wrote poetry. This is good. I really liked it. :)
Happy New Year! Talk to you soon